Language support

Find different language resources to help people from ethnic communities gain better access to government agencies and their information. Other resources in this section were developed to guide government agencies and other organisations to improve access to information and services for culturally and linguistically diverse communities.

Resources for government agencies and organisations

  • Unlocking Language Barriers
    This guide provides practical advice and information to support government agencies and other organisations in Aotearoa New Zealand to better communicate with Culturally and Linguistically Diverse (CALD) communities.
    Learn more
  • Interpreting Services in the New Zealand Public Sector
    This eLearning course is designed for public servants who are likely to work with people with whom they do not share a language. It provides training to better understand the role of interpreters, how to access them, and how to use them.
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  • Identifying the need for language support
    Download our 'Which language do you use?" posters and flyer, which will help to determine the language support your customers may require.
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  • Greetings in different languages
    Find key greetings and phrases in several ethnic community languages, including how these words or phrases are written, transliterated, and pronounced.
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  • Multilingual posters for the workplace
    We have created several translated signs, posters, and labels that can be put up around workplaces to increase the visibility of other languages and encourage their daily use.
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  • Providing information in different languages
    Understand when to provide information in other languages, what to consider before you translate and how you can get information translated.
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Resources for Ethnic Communities

  • Accessing government interpreting services
    Find out how to request an interpreter when you are calling a government agency in New Zealand, including a step-by-step scenario.
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  • Information in different languages
    Find useful information about the Ministry for Ethnic Communities and other resources in different languages.
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  • Videos in different languages
    Find animated videos about a range of topics in different languages, including information about health, emergency preparedness and applying for funding.
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  • Language Celebration Guidelines
    The Heritage and Community Language Celebration Guidelines are a resource designed to support communities to celebrate and maintain their heritage languages, giving practical advice on the process of organising a language celebration.
    Learn more

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