Information in different languages on our website
We have recently made some changes to our website that make finding information translated into different languages much easier.
We have recently made some changes to our website that make finding information translated into different languages much easier.
The Ministry for Ethnic Communities, with Ethnic Research Aotearoa, marked a significant milestone with the launch of the Ethnic Research Hui Aotearoa 2023.
Our new translation guidance provides practical advice and information on how to better communicate with Culturally and Linguistically Diverse communities.
Mānawatia a Matariki! Wherever you are and whatever you’re doing, we wish you a wonderful Matariki.
This month signals the new 2023/2024 financial year, with it, a new funding round of the Ethnic Communities Development Fund with an allocation of 4.2m.
Seeking an Expressions of Interest to fill one vacancy on the Ethnic Communities Development Fund Panel. Deadline for submissions is 14th July 2023.
Our first EthnicBiz Forum themed Unlocking Ethnic Business Potential was held last week. Over 100 participants from ethnic businesses, business associations ...
Ethnic Advantage Conference series brought hundreds of people from different ethnic backgrounds together to celebrate culture, discuss important topics ...
Our inter-cultural capability eLearning programme helps people develop skills in communicating and working more effectively with people from diverse backgrounds
The Ethnic Communities Graduate Programme provides a meaningful first employment opportunity in the public service for skilled graduates from ethnic communities