Video Transcript: Men's health

Read the transcript for our 'Men's health' video.

COVID-19 had a significant impact on lives in Aotearoa New Zealand, and presented unique challenges for ethnic communities.

The Ministry for Ethnic Communities partnered with Manatū Hauora - Minsitry of Health to both educate and vaccinate throughout the pandemic. To further support our communities, we are releasing a series of videos to increase awareness of the available health services you can access.

In this video we will share health information about prostate cancer.

During the pandemic we focused on protecting ourselves against COVID-19, with other health areas becoming a lesser priority. Now is a good time to get back to focusing on general health check-ups. For men, this includes a prostate examination.

Prostate cancer is the most commonly diagnosed cancer among men in New Zealand, with around 1 in 10 New Zealand men developing prostate cancer in their lifetime.

It often doesn’t show any symptoms until quite advanced, therefore it’s recommended that men aged 50 and over discuss prostate testing with their doctor.

For men with a known family history of prostate cancer this discussion should begin at age 40 years because they may have higher risk.

There is no easy way of diagnosing prostate cancer so it’s good to get regular testing. Doctors will usually do a series of quick tests.

You should get tested every one to two years using both of these tests.

For more information, you can visit the Prostate Cancer Foundation of New Zealand’s website, or call their information service for free.

You can also speak to your GP about getting your prostate checked or use the online support tool, Kupe, to help you or a family member decide if they should get a prostate cancer check.

Your health is at the centre of your family’s health - make prostate cancer testing a priority today.

For any other health needs call Healthline on 0800 611 116. Interpreting services will be available if you need them.

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