Video Transcript: Immunisations

Read the transcript for our 'Immunisations' video.

COVID-19 had a significant impact on lives in Aotearoa New Zealand, and presented unique challenges for ethnic communities.

The Ministry for Ethnic Communities partnered with Manatū Hauora - Minsitry of Health to both educate and vaccinate throughout the pandemic. To further support our communities, we are releasing a series of videos to increase awareness of the available health services you can access.

In this video we will share information about the vaccinations that are available in Aotearoa New Zealand.

Getting vaccinated protects us from many serious diseases. It also stops disease spreading within your family and the community.

As we experienced with COVID-19, the best defense against viruses are vaccinations.

The National Immunisation Schedule provides a list of all the vaccines that are offered free to babies, children, young people, and adults.

You can find our National Immunisation Schedule on the Ministry of Health’s website.

Vaccinations for flu and the measles are some of the free vaccinations available to you.

There are additional free vaccines available for children and adults at high-risk of some diseases, due to other medical conditions.

More information on immunisations can be found on the ‘Additional Funded vaccines for special groups’ page in the Immunisation Handbook online.

Your GP will be able to tell you which vaccines you and your family are eligible for, and help you keep up to date with your immunisations. 

For any other health needs call Healthline on 0800 611 116. Interpreting services will be available if you need them.

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