Financial support

Find out what financial support government agencies may be able to offer following disasters and emergencies.

Financial support in emergencies

Civil Defence Payments

When there's an emergency event such as flooding or an earthquake, Work and Income may make Civil Defence payments available. People who have been impacted by the event may be eligible for the payments, if they are available.

The payments can help with:

  • food
  • bedding
  • clothing
  • accommodation
  • loss of income

Find out more about Civil Defence Payments

Mayoral Relief Funds

In times of disaster or emergency, Mayoral Relief Funds may be set up to provide financial assistance to local communities. Check your local council’s website to see if they are offering the payments.

Find your local council’s website

Tax relief for adverse and emergency events

Adverse or emergency events like flooding, droughts and storms can affect how you manage your tax. It can mean you can’t pay on time or need to update your details, such as income estimates. During some events, Inland Revenue may offer additional support.

Tax relief for adverse and emergency events | Inland Revenue


EQCover is the Government’s natural disaster insurance for residential buildings and residential land. Homeowners automatically have EQCover for home and some residential land if they have a current private insurance policy, that includes fire insurance.

Learn more about Toka Tū Ake EQC

COVID-19 support

If your business is affected by COVID-19

Find the financial support available to help you, your business and employees through the response to COVID-19.

Financial support for businesses |

Benefits and payments

Work and Income can help in different ways for a range of situations. It may be able to help with food, living costs and if you cannot work.

Read about what benefits and payments Work and Income offers

Work and Income sometimes offers other support following disasters and emergencies. These are usually shared on the Work and Income website.

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